OrangeWorkforce Use Case

Legal Firm Reduces Trademark Search Time by 40% with RPA Automation




Applications Involved


A legal firm hires personnel to handle the processing of trademark applications and registrations. Trademark specifications searches typically involve searching through various databases, including those maintained by trademark offices, online databases, and other sources, to identify similar or identical trademarks in the same or related classes of goods or services. Trademark searches can be time-consuming, especially if done manually as the specifications to verify can vary between 20-50 across multiple classes per application.

By using OrangeWorkforce RPA, business has significantly reduced the manpower required for conducting searches and achieve higher turnaround response time to client.

Manual Process Before OrangeWorkforce RPA:

  1. Staff manually extract the list of specifications from the trademark application by the classes of goods and services.
  2. Staff login to specific country trademark databases online (website)
  3. Staff manually search the specifications by the specific classes of goods and services one by one in the online database.
  4. Staff manually verify the search results from the online database and record the status one by one.

Automated Process with OrangeWorkforce RPA:

  1. Bot check daily on the input folder to get the list of trademark specifications to search
  2. Bot identify the online database, trademark classes from the list. There are multiple online database (by country) to process depending on the application
  3. Bot login to specific online database to search the specifications based on Class Code. Bot will output the results based on the availability of the search so that human can advise appropriate actions to customer.

Results After OrangeWorkforce RPA:

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