A Malaysian technology provider advocates and mobilises workforce augmentation to achieve digital workforces.
With Malaysia rapidly moving into Industry 4.0 (IR4.0) and embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI), OrangeFIN Asia, a Malaysian technology provider offers a fully functional and locallymade digital workforce called the OrangeWorkforce. Established in 2018, OrangeFIN Asia is an MSC Status company that offers OrangeWorkforce, a software-driven robotic workforce with AI (machine learning) capabilities that can handle complex, high-volume and repeatable tasks that are traditionally carried out by humans.
“At OrangeFIN, we are focused on helping financial institutions and SMEs to automate intensive manual operations and reduce operational costs. Processes such as cheque clearing, reporting and other IT and back-end operations rely heavily on manpower which in turn increases operational costs; however, with automation, these processes can be handled by software robots. This reduces the need for manpower in performing tedious, mundane and repetitive tasks,” explains Robin Hoo, Chief Executive Officer of OrangeFIN.
OrangeWorkforce is a light-weight and self-sustainable robotic digital workforce solution built on the concept of “Workforce Augmentation”, which involves turning human workforce into a digital workforce with Robotic Process be trained to make decisions and recognize numbers and alphabets using the latest machine learning capabilities while also having selfawareness of the surroundings.
Automation (RPA). It is an optimal approach in using RPA, which is training software bots to automate tasks that are normally mundane and repetitive to humans.
RPA significantly alters the way industries and businesses operate and plays an important role in today’s evolving business landscape, as the need for inter-connectivity and realtime updates continues to increase rapidly. With RPA, multiple tasks can be performed better, faster, and cheaper.
OrangeWorkforce’s Job Design Studio runs on a web application for the user’s convenience and ease to configure the process flow or tasks of the OrangeBots. All activities performed by the OrangeBots can be easily tracked in their Robot Event Logging module. From the web application, users can also schedule tasks from the scheduling manager, allowing users peace of mind in automating OrangeBots every time a job needs to be done.
Today, OrangeFIN is the best RPA solution provider due to its unique capabilities such as self-recovery, peer monitoring, hive maintenance, load balance, self-awareness and OrangeCloud.
OrangeAI is another module of OrangeWorkforce that uses AI as the brain for OrangeBots. OrangeAI can Robin Hoo, Chief Executive Officer of OrangeFIN Asia at the Platinum Business Awards 2020.
In December 2019, OrangeFIN launched OrangeCloud, its first cloud platform, which is an Essential Technology Option that allows organisations to work with the company remotely without geographical limitations, especially during the pandemic.
Aside from clinching the trophies for ‘Robotics – IT Services’ and ‘Emerging SME’ at the Malaysian Technology Excellence Awards (MTEA) and Platinum Business Awards (PBA) last year, OrangeFIN was also named the winner in the ‘Start-Up’ category at the recently concluded MSC Malaysia Asia-Pacific ICT Alliance Awards (APICTA) 2020.
OrangeFIN Asia is looking forward to expanding their innovative solution beyond local borders to ASEAN, Asia, USA and Europe, in the next 3 years.
Source : https://issuu.com/harini.mservices/docs/my.it_vol4_no_1_nexmind_f/s/12247498