OrangeFIN Bots are the software robots that carry out tasks for OrangeFIN AI and OrangeFIN Vision
OrangeFIN Bots are equipped to work 24/7 for you without breaks or human intervention
OrangeFIN Bots have self-healing abilities and can perform processes like Auto Restart when an error occurs.
OrangeFIN Bots can conduct hard-disk housekeeping to ensure optimum productivity at all times.
OrangeFIN Bots are aware of themselves and their surroundings. They keep tabs things like network capacity, CPU, and memory.
When a bot faces error, other OrangeFIN Bots can trigger a self-recovery.
OrangeFIN Bots are aware of themselves and their surroundings. They keep tabs things like network capacity, CPU, and memory.
OrangeFIN Bots are monitored by OrangeWorkforce Manager via OrangeFIN Cloud.
OrangeFIN Bots
Software robots carrying out tasks for OrangeFIN AI and OrangeFIN Vision in OrangeWorkforce
OrangeFIN Vision
Mimics human eyes to look for content in files such as PDFs and scanned images
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution that automates repetitive and mundane tasks
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